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Ou Betrayed Me! You're Not Good. You, You're Just a Chicken. Chip-chip-chip-chip-cheep-cheep

  • Johnny : I kill you, you bastard!

    Mark : You couldn't kill me if you tried.

    Johnny : You betrayed me! You're not good. You, you're just a chicken. Chip-chip-chip-chip-cheep-cheep.

  • Mark : How was work today?

    Johnny : Oh, pretty good. We got a new client and the bank will make a lot of money.

    Mark : What client?

    Johnny : I cannot tell you; it's confidential.

    Mark : Aw, come on. Why not?

    Johnny : No, I can't. Anyway, how is your sex life?

  • [Johnny walks to the apartment rooftop]

    Johnny : I did not hit her, it's not true! It's bullshit! I did not hit her!

    [throws water bottle]

    Johnny : I did *not*. Oh hi, Mark.

    Mark : Oh, hey Johnny, what's up?

    Johnny : I have a problem with Lisa. She says that I hit her.

    Mark : What? Did you?

    Johnny : [sits down] No, it's not true. Don't even ask. What's new with you?

    Mark : I'm just sitting up here thinking, you know. I got a question for you.

    Johnny : Yeah?

    Mark : You think girls like to cheat like guys do?

    Johnny : What makes you say that?

    Mark : [gets up] I don't know. I don't know. I'm just... I'm just thinking.

    Johnny : I don't have to worry about that because Lisa is loyal to me.

    Mark : Yeah, man, you'll never know. People are very strange these days. I used to know a girl; she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it... beat her up so bad she ended up at a hospital on Guerrero Street.

    Johnny : Ha ha ha. What a story, Mark.

    [gets up]

    Mark : Yeah, you can say that again.

    Johnny : I'm so happy I have you as my best friend, and I love Lisa so much.

    Mark : Yeah, man. Yeah, you are very lucky.

    Johnny : Well, maybe you should have a girl, Mark.

    Mark : [pauses, then walks forward] Yeah. Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe I have one already. I don't know yet.

    Johnny : Well, what happened? Remember Betty? That's her name?

    Mark : Betty? Yeah. Yeah, we don't see each other anymore. You know, she wasn't any good in bed. She was beautiful, but we had too many arguments.

    Johnny : That's too bad. My Lisa's great whenever I get it.

    Mark : [sits down] Oh man, I just can't figure women out. Sometimes they're just too smart. Sometimes they're just flat-out stupid. Other times they're just evil.

    Johnny : It seems to me that you're the expert, Mark.

    [sits down]

    Mark : No. Definitely not an expert, Johnny.

  • Lisa : I miss you, Mark.

    Mark : What are you talking about? I just saw you!

  • Mark : As far as I'm concerned, you can drop off the earth. That's a promise.

  • Mark : You don't understand anything, man. Leave your *stupid* comments in your pocket!

  • Peter : Speaking of which, how did you meet Lisa? You never told us.

    Johnny : Oh, that's very interesting story, when I moved to San Francisco with two suitcases and I didn't know anyone, and I have, I hit YMCA with a $2000 check that I couldn't cash.

    Mark : Why not?

    Johnny : Well, because it was an out of state bank. Anyway, I was working as a busboy in hotel, and uh, um, she was sitting, drinking her coffee, and she was so beautiful, and I say hi to her, and that's how we met.

    Mark : So, I mean, what's the interesting part?

    Johnny : Well, the interesting part is that on our first date, she paid for dinner.

  • Peter : [almost getting thrown off a building] What are you, nuts? GOD!

    Mark : [shrugs it off like it's nothing] Sorry.

  • Mark : So can I come in tomorrow, like late afternoon?

    Johnny : Absolutely. 8:00?

    Mark : Great!

  • Mark : [confused] I mean, the candles, the music, the sexy dress... I mean, what's going on here?

    Lisa : I like you very much. Lover... boy.

  • Lisa : I've lost him, but I still have you, right? Right?

    Mark : You don't *have* me. You'll *never* have me. You killed him.

    Lisa : Mark, we're free to be together. I love you. I love you!

    Mark : Tramp. You killed him; you're the cause of all of this. I don't love you. Get out of my life, you bitch!

  • Mark : Wow. So, uh, you gonna be ready?

    Lisa : How do you mean that? I'm always ready... for you.

  • Mark : Damn, man. Fuck! What do you want to know my secret for, man? Well, you are right. It's Lisa. I don't know what to do, man. I'm so depressed. It's HER fault. She's such a manipulative BITCH!

  • Johnny : What - what's goin' on here?

    Mark : [scoffs] You really don't know, do you?

    Johnny : [shoving Mark] Maybe I know more than you think I do, Mark.

    Mark : Shit, all right?

  • [repeated line]

    Mark : What's going on here?

  • Mark : Who are you calling a kid?

  • Lisa : It can't wait 'til later. I want to talk right now. You owe me one anyway.

    Mark : Okay. All right, what do you want to talk about?

    Lisa : She's a stupid bitch.

  • Mark : Come on, it's clear.

    Claudette : What's clear?

  • [repeated line]

    Mark : What are you *doing*?

  • [after having sex with Lisa on the spiral staircase]

    Mark : God. Why did you do this to me? Johnny's my best friend.

  • Ou Betrayed Me! You're Not Good. You, You're Just a Chicken. Chip-chip-chip-chip-cheep-cheep
