Sample Doctor's Note Templates

Free Editable Doctor Excuse Templates for Sick Days from Work or School

A doctor's note, also known as a medical excuse note or doctor's excuse letter, is often required by employers and educational institutions for individuals who need to miss work or school for medical reasons. A medical note is considered an official medical certificate that documents the presence of an illness or injury and authorizes the individual to take time off to recover. Our free doctor note templates allow you to quickly create a doctor form that can serve as an absence authorization.

A medical note from the doctor confirms the legitimacy of time missed by an employee or student. It certifies a doctor appointment with a health care provider, and the date(s) upon which the doctor visit occurred. The doctor letter may also assess the patient's health condition and the amount of sick time they need.

Employers and schools usually have specific policies regarding when a sick note is required. Many do not require a doctor's note for a single sick day. If you miss multiple days, however, official documentation will likely be necessary. Consult your specific student or employee medical policy to determine whether a doctor excuse note is needed.

In addition to absence authorizations, doctor's notes are used for several other purposes, including:

  • Verify Fitness for Employment: Some jobs mandate that you pass a physical examination to get a "fit for work" notice to perform the required work.
  • Verify Fitness to Play Sports: Many schools require you to pass a physical exam before you can play a particular sport such as football, hockey, or basketball.
  • Travel Authorization: Medical exams are often required to verify that an individual is physically able to travel to their destination.
  • Activity Restrictions at Work: If an individual has a physical limitation that keeps them from performing certain tasks in the workplace, the employer typically requires a medical certificate as verification of the condition.
  • Other Medical Certifications: There are certain instances when an individual needs specific assistance on the job. A common example is someone who is legally blind and requires a service dog.
  • Fake Notes: A fake doctor's note is sometimes used when an individual needs to get out of work or school, but was unable to obtain the required medical authorization.

What Should be Included in a Doctor Excuse Note?

Though doctor's notes vary in format and style, there are some common elements that should be included in each:

  • Title: The document should have a title that looks official. Examples include Absence Authorization, Physician's Statement for Medical Absence, Authorization for Sick Leave, Medical Record Certification, etc. Use a title that is appropriate for your circumstance.
  • Doctor/Medical Facility Information: Include the name, address, and contact information of the doctor and/or facility. Also include the type of doctor when appropriate. If you are creating a fake doctor excuse note, be sure to use the name of a real medical facility and a doctor's name that sounds authentic.
  • Date of Document: Fill in the date and time (if known) of the doctor appointment.
  • Patient Information: At a minimum, include the full name of the patient. You may also want to add age, gender, date of birth, and address.
  • Purpose of Appointment: Include the reason for the medical visit; e.g., cold, flu, accident, injury, etc.
  • Certification of Condition: This is a statement by the medical professional certifying the specific illness, injury, or other health condition of the patient.
  • What is Being Authorized: State the number of days the patient is to be absent, type of work or play they are physically able or unable to do, or whatever other activities they are cleared to perform.
  • Signature: The doctor's signature should appear toward the bottom of the page above their full name and title. Some recipients may also require that the signature be notarized.

Who Uses Doctor Excuse Templates?

Doctor note templates are used by:

  • Health Care Providers: Doctor's offices, walk-in clinics, urgent care providers, hospitals, and emergency rooms often find medical note templates useful to easily customize two or three different types of notes that are in keeping with doctor-patient relationship protocols.
  • Employees: An employee can customize a doctor note for work with the specific information regarding his/her condition, and give the note to a health professional to sign. Doctor offices and medical facilities are typically very busy, so creating a document that is pre-formatted with the required information is often appreciated.
  • Students and Parents: Students or parents can also use a template to create a doctor's note for school and customize it to fit the specific condition of the patient and number of sick days needed.
  • Fake Doctor Excuses: Some individuals create a fake doctor note using the authentic language provided by a fake excuse template. Using fake excuse notes can get you off the hook for missing work or school. This course of action can be very risky, however, and may lead to various negative consequences such as school suspension or expulsion, loss of job, and potential legal issues (depending on the jurisdiction).

When are Fake Doctor's Notes Used?

Fake medical excuse notes are sometimes used as a last resort in situations when, for whatever reason, someone was unable to see a doctor to obtain official absence authorization. Here are some instances when this might occur:

  • A Sudden and Short Illness: There are times when individuals come down with an illness that causes them to miss a few days from work or school. In such cases, the illness might have already run its course before you have time to set up a doctor's appointment, but a medical excuse is still needed to legitimize the absence.
  • Absence for a Personal Matter: If someone has personal issues that lead to an absence, and they don't want their school or employer to know about them, a fake doctor excuse note might help provide coverage for the days missed.
  • Illness of a Family Member: Some employers do not allow workers to miss time when someone else in the house is sick. However, there are times when individuals want to take care of their loved ones and provide them with emotional support during a difficult time.
  • A Prank at Work or School: Some learning and workplace environments are more relaxed and allow for some fun while you are there. For example, as a joke, someone could create a fake doctor's note that says they are pregnant or have some type of rare or made-up medical condition that requires intense doctor care.

Fake doctor note templates are generally only used for short-term situations. During extended absences, many schools and employers will contact the health care provider to verify that the medical certificate is authentic, which can heighten the risk of using a fake note. This is particularly common in cases wherein the patient might qualify for employee disability benefits because of their condition.

Free Doctor's Note Templates for Download

We provide five free sample doctor excuse note templates you can use for absence authorizations. Our templates are MS Word-based and can be edited and customized to fit your needs.

Sample Doctor's Note for Work or School

Sample Doctor's Note for Work or School

This all-purpose medical excuse note template can be used for both school and work absences. It provides guidance on what information goes into each blank. Simply replace the areas in parentheses with your specific information and your note is done.

  • Size: 183 B
  • Downloads: 81340
  • Filename: Sample-Doctors-Note-Work-School.docx
  • Uploaded: 2017-08-01 12:06:00 / 91885


Fill-in-the-Blank Medical Note Template

Fill-in-the-Blank Medical Note Template

This compact medical absence template is simple and concise. It provides boxes to check and blanks to fill in for all the necessary information. This template is designed and worded so it can be used to authorize absences for both previous illnesses and upcoming medical appointments.

  • Size: 183 B
  • Downloads: 32008
  • Filename: fill-blank-medical-note-template.docx
  • Uploaded: 2017-08-01 12:10:00 / 91889


Doctor's Note for School Template

Doctor's Note for School Template

This sample doctor's note is designed for students who miss time from school. It has boxes to check and blanks to fill in to certify the student's appointment date and the date they are authorized to return to school.

  • Size: 183 B
  • Downloads: 11698
  • Filename: Doctors-Note-School-Template.docx
  • Uploaded: 2017-08-01 12:12:00 / 91897


Doctor or Dentist Note Template

Doctor or Dentist Note Template

This medical certification form is designed for either doctor or dental appointments. Simply choose the type of consultation (medical or dental) that is most appropriate for your situation, and enter your information in the blanks provided to complete the form.

  • Size: 183 B
  • Downloads: 17857
  • Filename: Doctor-Dentist-Note-Template.docx
  • Uploaded: 2017-08-01 12:14:00 / 91904


Children's Clinic Medical Excuse Form Template

Children's Clinic Medical Excuse Form Template

This template is designed for younger kids who need a sick note for school after visiting a children's clinic. There are spaces to enter the date of the visit to the clinic, the date the patient may return to school, and a space to enter a brief explanation of the illness or injury.

  • Size: 183 B
  • Downloads: 6637
  • Filename: Childrens-Clinic-Medical-Excuse-Form-Template.docx
  • Uploaded: 2017-08-01 12:16:00 / 91912
