Teaching is a highly social profession, so it would follow that all teachers are extroverts, right? Wrong.

It can be tough sometimes, but despite the misleading stock image I chose of a teacher cowering from behind a desk (and despite the fact that I accept spent more than i conference period under my own desk to exist out of the range of view from a hallway window), existence a teacher and an introvert isn't all that bad. It does nowadays some challenges, but there are also ways that introverted teachers have a one-upward on the balance of the pack. Here are some things yous may take noticed if you, too, are TWI (Education While Introverted):

1. Often by four o'clock, you've reached your capacity for social interaction.

Occasionally on weeknights you can stomach a small social gathering or dinner with close friends, but if yous're honest, most days you're in pajamas past half-dozen:xxx.

2. If you have to eat lunch lone one mean solar day, you definitely don't hate it.

It's not that you would necessarily adopt eating alone. Merely on the occasion where you don't have eighteen kids in tutorials or aren't eating with your fellow teaching buddies, eating alone in perfect silence is a cute matter.

3. You're actually good with the kids who are introverts.

You know to give them wait fourth dimension, have one-on-1 conversations, permit them use noise-cancelling headphones when appropriate, and other strategies to make them feel comfy and relaxed.

4. You're good with all kids, actually.

Your perceptiveness means you can tell when someone's not understanding, virtually to weep, going lose it, dying of boredom, etc. And then much of the instruction game is being able to anticipate the next motion.

v. You wish library duty was a thing.

For obvious reasons.

6. Talking to parents is the worst (even though it's not).

You love your students, simply no thing how interested you are in learning about and meeting their families, Parent Night is a big source of stress. Tons of strangers + knowing they all want to talk to you RIGHT Now = one behemothic, raging sweat fest.  (One-on-one parent conference? Lovely. Much less sweaty.)

7. Your inventiveness is?.

Introverts have some rich inner worlds, man. Your creativity might manifest itself in a wildly elaborate writing projection, or yous might exist really practiced at discovering new, more effective ways to teach concepts in calculus. 1 thing's for certain: mediocrity just isn't your thing.

8. Other people don't get it.

People who don't take an understanding of introverts might think choosing teaching equally an introvert is like choosing to be a submarine captain* if y'all're afraid of water. Only being an introvert doesn't mean y'all don't like being around your students or that you lot're also shy to teach them. All it means is that while some teachers might get habitation and recharge by going to a gym class with 35 people or happy 60 minutes at a crowded bar, you recharge either lonely or with a few people. And Netflix. E'er Netflix.

9. Sometimes to recharge you have to spend an entire day inside your firm.

What's that? You fix a PR? Oh, me too. I didn't even get to double digits on my Fitbit.

10. You find that you are a go-to when other coworkers accept bug.

This can exist a great thing (helping colleagues work through issues) or a terrible thing (finding yourself trapped as a Receiver of Rants four out of v afternoons). Merely either fashion, your power to work through problems creatively keeps you on the sidelines of the drama instead of in the heart of it.

eleven. You tin can think of enough of things that are worse than grading.

Going through a stack of paper in an empty, tranquillity room by yourself? Sign me upward! (But only if library duty is already taken.)

*My first idea equally an example was a mermaid. #maybrain

Love, Teach teaches English and blogs near information technology at world wide web.loveteachblog.com. You can follow her on Facebook or Twitter. She was going to tell you the residue of this bio blurb but has reached her social capacity for today.
